Graphic Design

Here is my Logo Design for assignment 5.

Personal Critic

A) I tried to make the Nostalgic look of the old Keg of Beer, but in this case, Root Beer. Root Beer is my favorite beverage and that is what compelled me to make a logo for Root Beer.
B) What I found difficult was trying to get the barrel to look right. I couldn't decide between a horizontal barrel with a spout, or the vertical barrel. When I decided, I couldn't get it to look right, so I took a black and white picture off the internet, Modified it, then coloured and slapped on my words.
C)  I really like how the whole thing turned out, and I liked messing with the barrel to get it to look Right.

Assignment 6: Magazine Cover
Personal Critic:

A) I tried to make a magazine about computers based on my new computer that I got recently and the new hardware and software that came with it.
B) Trying to get the captions right. I only had a few to begin with, but I wrote some down and figured it out
C)I like this project because of the creativity needed and how you could do a magazine on virtually anything.
The computer is one of the best out there and with all of the new technology put into it, the hardware is now more advanced than the software.

Assignment 7: Bottle Design
Personal Critic:

A) I tried to make a bottle design based off of the Star Wars Series. I had Yoda as my basis to work with.
B)I found it difficult to get everything right and for it to fit well. I didn't know how big all of the text and pictures had to be before hand, but I think it turned out pretty well anyway.
C)I really like project just by itself. It was probably the most fun Porject that I've done so far. My favorite part of it though would have to be the little blurb about it on the side.

Assignment 8: T-Shirt Design
Personal Critic:
A)I tried to make a shirt on the Troll face, an internet meme based off of a picture that deviantart user Quincey made.
B)I found it difficult to get on my t-shirt. It was a bit of a pain with the screan
C)I liked learning something new. I had never silk screaned before, so it was a fun experience.

Assignment 9: Buttons

Personal Critic:
A) I tried to make an assortment of buttons that were orignal. I'm doing the one on the bottom middle for my
finished project.
B) I had difficulty Thinking of good, ideas. 3 of them were made by me, and the other 3 were images that I touched up.
C) I enjoyed Thinking of good ideas, it made me brainstorm a bunch.

Assignment 10: ID card

Personal Critic

A)I tried to create my hall pass with a Pac-man vibe to it.
B)I found it difficult to get everything to look right, and it took a while to get it done on
C)I enjoyed how it turned out, I love the result.